Livelihood refers to the means by which individuals or households earn their income and sustain their basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. It is a complex & critical combination of economic & non-economic activities, creating ways to secure the necessities of life. Among economic activities, agriculture consists of 41.19% employment. Close to 81% of all employed persons work in the informal sector, (International Labour Organization 2019). Unemployment has sharply increased in the past three years.
Developmental initiative based on Sustainable Livelihood Framework have the potentiality to reduce poverty and inequality by generating employment & economic stability. It consists of elements including, training, empowerment, increased visibility, economic & social resource management, reduced hazards & use of user-friendly equipment, inclusive culture.
Skill training, on the other hand, is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform a particular job or task effectively. Livelihood and skill training are closely related, as acquiring new skills and knowledge can enable individuals to improve their livelihoods and earn better incomes. Skilling helps individuals to upgrade their skills, access better job opportunities, and increase their earning potential. In turn, improving livelihoods enables individuals to invest in their education and training, thereby improving their skills and knowledge and opening up new opportunities for advancement.
The Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs 1 & 8) say "End poverty in all its forms everywhere" and promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all" respectively. The new education policy also prioritizes job oriented professional education.
Learning is a lifelong process, which is crucial to build the cognitive, creative & critical abilities. It is a vital aspect of human life that involves acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through various means such as schooling, training, and experience. It equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue their goals and achieve success. Systematic learning can take different forms like formal or informal education, it can be mainstream, open source, experimental, adult, vocational, remedial or bridge education, it can be face to face as well as online. Only 79.56% (Annual UDISE+ Report) children attend secondary school in India. In some state, female literacy rate is much lower than male literacy rate. The tendency of dropping out of school has increased during the post lockdown period. Low educational qualification is directly related to unemployment, poverty & social evils like child-labour, child marriage, beggary.
In India, education is considered as a fundamental right. It is protected by Article 21-A of the Constitution of India. SDG 4 also says "Ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes life.
The environment refers to the natural world that surrounds us, including air, water, land, plants, animals, and humans. Human activities such as deforestation, industrialization, and pollution have significantly contributed to the depletion of the environment. Ironically those who contributes the list, suffers the most from environmental hazards. Crisis of drinking water, increased salinity of soil, unavailability of forest resources, drought, flood & landslides escalates the misery of the already marginalised class.
In last 30 years, we have lost 420 million hectares, approximately 10.34 per cent of world's total forest (The State of the World's Forests). India's water and air quality is deteriorating; Along with plastic, electronic & textile waste are creating mountains on the planet.
UN has dedicated this decade for ecosystem restoration. Generating mass Consciousness about careful & sustainable life choices & transformative actions can help to restore ecology. The process includes reviving water bodies, building natural forests, protecting biodiversity & protecting soil health.
SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development and SDG 15: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Above mentioned SDGs clearly explain the need for assistance in the field of Environment.
India's healthcare system is growing fast. But in India different regions are in different phases of medical advancement. Geographical, cultural & social diversity affects health differently & creates a large variation in health care seeking behaviour. The health system is facing significant challenges, including inadequate funding, insufficient infrastructure, and a shortage of healthcare professionals. The past years have taught us the importance of a strong health care system. Our nation is in a vital need to develop a strong response system to other communicable & non-communicable disease. Typhoid, Malaria, Jaundice, Tuberculosis Heart & Respiratory disease, Cancer, Diabetes is some common disease seen across India.
Malnourishment is another major concern in the public health sector. According to the National Family Health Survey, 2019-21, 7.7% of our children under 5 years who are severely impaired in strength & health (weight-for-height) (based on Below -3 standard deviations, based on the WHO standard), 19.3% Children under 5 years who are severely impaired in strength & health (weight-for-height) (Below -2 standard deviations, based on the WHO standard), and 35.5% Children under 5 years who are stunted (height-for-age) are stunted ((Below -2 standard deviations, based on the WHO standard),. A quarter of women of reproductive age in India are undernourished. Health situations are in worse condition in remote locations. SDG 3 emphasizes "Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages".